If we can send people to the moon, collect ice samples from Mars and land a freakin' space probe on a comet, why for the love of all that's holy can't someone engineer a deodorant applicator that can actually dispense all of the special "invisible solid" from its clever ergonomic design?!
I'm pretty picky about which brand of deodorant I buy because I'm a person who perspires - a lot. I'm a sweaty Betty. As one can imagine, this could be a source of embarrassment, so after years of searching for the perfect product, finally finding a brand that worked was like a breath of fresh air - literally. I willingly pay a premium for said product and because of that fact, I would like to use as much of the deodorant in the container as possible. So why is it that when I get down to the final "clicks" of the dial at the bottom of the applicator, there is still a good half inch of the product nestled snugly inside the magic dispenser never to be actually applied to an armpit?
I'm probably throwing away at least $.50 of stupid "Ooh, La-La Lavender" or "Shower Fresh Clean" every month or so. Over the years, that really adds up, not to mention it stinks! It may seem like such a small thing, but if masterful feats of science and engineering can't fix this problem, what's a girl to do?
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